- Woher: Romania
- Alter bzw. Jahrgang: 19

Meine Verbindung zum ESC
- Erste ESC-Erinnerung: Conchita winning Eurovision in 2014
- Erste OGAE Austria-Erinnerung: Eurovision Cover Contest 2023
Meine Favorites
- Guilty Pleasure Beitrag: Generally songs that other people don’t like
- Bester österreichischer Beitrag: Conchita Wurst – Rise Like A Phoenix (2014)
- Würde gerne auf dein Date mit: Loreen
Was bedeutet der ESC für dich?
For me ESC represents the possibility that people have to be united by music and share music in general, without any hard feelings, just enjoying the love and passion for music that we all have. It represents the opportunity of an artist of gaining experience and recognition which are two crucial point in a performer’s career.